Patients and Families

Information for Patients and Family - After Your Stay

Before you leave Riverside Behavioral Health Center, our team will verify and schedule appointments for your behavioral health follow-up care. In addition, if you do not already have a primary care provider, we can help you find a doctor. We can help with a referral or make an appointment with a Riverside Medical Group provider.

Compliments, comments, concerns, suggestions

If you have any concerns during your hospital stay, please tell a member of your treatment team right away. We want you to have the safest, highest quality care that is respectful of your privacy and your wishes.

Patient satisfaction survey

During your stay, we will ask you some questions about the quality of care you are receiving and about our facility. We follow the results of these surveys very carefully. Your comments help us to enhance the quality of care that we provide.

Champions of caring

Our goal is to provide you with excellent service. Champions of Caring is a program to help us honor caregivers who make a difference. Patients and families are encouraged to make a nomination when they encounter an outstanding caregiver.

Make a Difference fund

Make a Difference funds allow you to join in support of your community by designating your gift to the facility or program that means the most to you personally. When you make a gift, 100% of your gift is used to fund the facility enhancements, programs and equipment needs that allow us to provide a higher standard of care for our patients.

Hospital bill

Your bill reflects the services you received during your stay. If you have certain tests or treatments in the hospital, you may also receive bills from physicians you did not see in person. These bills are for professional services provided by these doctors in diagnosing and interpreting test results while you were a patient. Specialists perform these services and are required to submit separate bills. If you have questions about your bill, please contact our Billing office at 757-989-8830 option 3.

Information for patients and family